Fast, Reliable, and Affordable KVM VMs in Europe! Ideal for Busy Websites, Demanding Workloads, or Dedicated Kernel Requirements!

Choose Your KVM VPS

Get a high-performance and lightning-fast VPS at an unbeatable price!

CPU VCORES Memory Storage Bandwidth Price
Intel® Xeon® E5 1 vCPU 3GB 40GB SSD


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Intel® Xeon® E5 1 vCPU 4GB 60GB SSD


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Intel® Xeon® E5 2 vCPU 6GB 80GB SSD


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Intel® Xeon® E5 4 vCPU 8GB 120GB SSD


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Intel® Xeon® E5 6 vCPU 12GB 160GB SSD


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Intel® Xeon® E5 8 vCPU 14GB 240GB SSD


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Available Operating Systems

Choose from a variety of OS templates for effortless one-click reinstallation whenever needed.

Servers Full of Features

These features come standard in all of our servers.

Server Control Panel

Our intuitive control panel gives you root access to all of your VPSGator products easily.

Real-Life Human Beings

Our dedicated support team is available round-the-clock, 365 days a year, to provide you with friendly assistance.

Instant Setup

Your VPS is set up automatically as soon as the payment process is completed.

Premium Network

Our network consists of Multiple Tier-1 providers, coupled with a ton of local peering.

Fast SSD Arrays

Fast RAID10 SSD arrays and loads of RAM will make your app fly!

Full Root Access

All of our VPS come with full and unrestricted root access.